The Social Committee is a committee that adopts families of orphans in Palestine to support them through and in cooperation with the NGOs we trust, which provide us with information about the family’s economic situation. We now have about one hundred and fifteen families adopted by his best brother, mainly in Jordan, Dubai and Kuwait.
We contribute to supporting associations in various projects such as mobile hospitals and medical clinics in the villages of Palestine. We provide aid through school bags that are distributed to students at the beginning of each year, and food baskets that are distributed throughout the months of the year, especially Ramadan.

The committee, through contact with the various associations in Palestine, receives lists of families who have lost their breadwinner or who have a breadwinner who is unable to go out to work as a result of physical injuries resulting from the aggression of the occupation. After receiving the lists of the affected families, we, in turn, submit the names of these families for adoption to spend on them for those who are interested in assistance and support.
It is worth noting that the monthly cost of the family for adoption is one hundred dollars, which is paid either every six months or every year until the support is guaranteed to reach the families as soon as possible.
Please contact the center at the e-mail address, phone, or fax so that we can provide the interested caller with a family name from the lists.

The Center decided that providing educational opportunities for the Palestinian student should be a priority. Therefore, since its inception, it has worked to achieve this goal in coordination between the various institutions in Palestine and the people interested in helping students and adopting their education, after conducting a careful study of the situation. The committee continuously monitors educational attainment in coordination with universities to ensure the seriousness of students and their continuity of studies.
To date, the Center has supported 100 students from various scientific and literary disciplines, 40 of whom have graduated.
We have in the item of the center's products the complete list of the dishes that we prepare and the prices of each of them for the request of those who wish.
For those who wish to adopt a student, please contact us, knowing that the cost of the literary student is 1200-1300 Jordanian dinars, and for science, especially medicine, 2500-3000 Jordanian dinars annually.